The KNX-RF Switch Module can be paired with an energy harvesting switch by connecting the switch to the module. The module acts as a bridge between the switch and the KNX Bus System, converting wireless signals from the switch into KNX telegrams. The energy harvesting switch is powered by its surroundings, for example heat and ambient light, eliminating the need for a seperate power source.
When the switch is activated, it sends a signal to the KNX RF module, which converts the signal into a KNX telegram and transmits it over the bus to other devices. These devices can then respond to the signal, for example, by turning on a light or controlling your blinds.
Upgrade the look and functionality of your next Smart Home project. Overcome obstacles, where wiring a switch could be difficult, or make a statement and adhere the switch to thick steel or glass. Some examples of where you can use this set up is adding switches by your bed side, adding a switch in your bathroom, controlling your garden lighting, all without running cables to your switch.